Category: Automakers

Posts related to Automakers

There’s a lot to take care of on your vehicle before the winter season hits. Is your battery in good shape? Have you checked the amount of window-washing fluid and the condition of your wipers? Are your brakes working properly?

Perhaps the most important vehicle components to inspect before winter are your tires. They’ll influence your vehicle’s accelerating, braking, and traction ability. Should you shell out extra cash for a set of winter tires or will your all-season tires work?

Here are important comparisons between winter tires and all-season tires that you need to know before deciding what type is best for your vehicle.


Winter tires are designed specifically to add grip to your vehicle in inclement weather conditions, such as snow, ice, and rain. They have deep treads and tread patterns that aid their grip. The tread cuts work similarly to a squeegee to help them work through slush, snow, and dampness.

Winter [...]

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